is an R based interface to the Keras: the Python Deep Learning library. It uses the TensorFlow backend engine.
The basic workflow is to define a model object of class
by initialising it using the keras_model_sequential
function and then adding layers to it. Function fit
trains a Keras model. It requires the predictors (inputs) and responses (targets/labels) to be passed a two separate data objects as vector, matrix, or arrays.
Use the Diabetes in Pima Indian Women dataset from library MASS
Prepare data for Keras and Condvis:
# Training features <-[,1:7]
# Testing features
Pima.testing <- Pima.te[,1:7]
# Scale the data <-as.matrix(scale(
means <- attr(,"scaled:center")
sds<- attr(,"scaled:scale")
Pima.testing <- as.matrix(scale(Pima.testing, center=means, scale=sds))
# One hot encode training target values
Pima.trainLabels <- to_categorical(as.numeric([,8]) -1)[, 2]
# One hot encode test target values
Pima.testLabels <- to_categorical(as.numeric(Pima.te[,8]) -1)[, 2]
# Create dataframes for Condvis
dtf <- data.frame(
dtf$Pima.trainLabels <-[,8]
dtf.te <- data.frame(Pima.testing)
dtf.te$Pima.testLabels <- Pima.te[,8]
Define and fit the model:
model <- keras_model_sequential() # Add layers to the model
model %>%
layer_dense(units = 8, activation = 'tanh', input_shape = c(7)) %>%
layer_dense(units = 1, activation = 'sigmoid')
# Print a summary of a model
# Compile the model
model %>% compile(
loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
optimizer = 'adam',
metrics = 'accuracy'
# Fit the model
history <-model %>% fit(, Pima.trainLabels,
epochs = 500,
batch_size = 50,
validation_split = 0.2,
class_weight = as.list(c("0" = 1, "1"=3))
Condvis uses a generic CVpredict
to provide a uniform interface to predict
methods. For classification, the choice of ptype
allows for output for each observation as:
= “pred” (default)ptype
= “prob” (e.g. \(P(X=1)\) in binary classification).ptype
= “probmatrix”
kresponse <- "Pima.testLabels"
kpreds <- setdiff(names(dtf.te),kresponse)
CVpredict(model, dtf.te[1:10,], response=kresponse, predictors=kpreds)
CVpredict(model, dtf.te[1:10,], response=kresponse, predictors=kpreds, ptype="prob")
CVpredict(model, dtf.te[1:10,], response=kresponse, predictors=kpreds, ptype="probmatrix")
Note that for keras
models so one needs to specify the name of response and predictors for CVpredict
. When creating the Condvis shiny app, arguments for CVpredict
can be passed in condvis
using predictArgs
Calculate model accuracy from:
Compare to LDA:
fit.lda <- lda(Pima.trainLabels~., data = dtf)
mean(CVpredict(fit.lda, dtf.te) == dtf.te$Pima.testLabels)
LDA scores higher on accuracy. It is known that a linear model performs best for this dataset.
kresponse <- "Pima.trainLabels"
kArgs1 <- list(response=kresponse,predictors=kpreds)
condvis(dtf, list(model.keras = model, model.lda = fit.lda), sectionvars = c("bmi", "glu"), response="Pima.trainLabels",predictArgs = list(kArgs1, NULL), pointColor = "Pima.trainLabels")
Click the showprobs button to see class probabilities.
Use the Boston housing data. This is one of the examples from keras
Prepare data:
boston_housing <- dataset_boston_housing()
c(train_data, train_labels) %<-% boston_housing$train
c(test_data, test_labels) %<-% boston_housing$test
# Normalize training data
train_data <- scale(train_data)
# Use means and standard deviations from training set to normalize test set
col_means_train <- attr(train_data, "scaled:center")
col_stddevs_train <- attr(train_data, "scaled:scale")
test_data <- scale(test_data, center = col_means_train, scale = col_stddevs_train)
Fit the model:
build_model <- function() {
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units = 64, activation = "relu",
input_shape = dim(train_data)[2]) %>%
layer_dense(units = 64, activation = "relu") %>%
layer_dense(units = 1)
model %>% compile(
loss = "mse",
optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(),
metrics = list("mean_absolute_error")
model <- build_model()
model %>% summary()
# Display training progress by printing a single dot for each completed epoch.
print_dot_callback <- callback_lambda(
on_epoch_end = function(epoch, logs) {
if (epoch %% 80 == 0) cat("\n")
epochs <- 500
# Fit the model
early_stop <- callback_early_stopping(monitor = "val_loss", patience = 20)
model <- build_model()
history <- model %>% fit(
epochs = epochs,
validation_split = 0.2,
verbose = 0,
callbacks = list(early_stop, print_dot_callback)
Create dataframes for condvis
column_names <- c('CRIM', 'ZN', 'INDUS', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE',
'DIS', 'RAD', 'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT')
train_df <- data.frame(train_data)
colnames(train_df) <- column_names
train_df$medv <- as.numeric(train_labels)
test_df <- data.frame(test_data)
colnames(test_df) <- column_names
test_df$medv <- as.numeric(test_labels)
kpreds <- column_names
kresponse <- "medv"
Fit some other models for comparison (a random forest and a generalised additive model):
gam.model = gam(medv ~ s(LSTAT) + s(RM) + s(CRIM), data=train_df)
rf.model <- randomForest(formula = medv ~ ., data = train_df)
Use CVpredict
to compare RMSE in the scaled data:
mean((test_labels - CVpredict(model, test_df, response=kresponse, predictors=kpreds))^2)
mean((test_labels - CVpredict(gam.model, test_df))^2)
mean((test_labels - CVpredict(rf.model, test_df))^2, na.rm=TRUE)
RF gives the best fit.
kArgs <- list(response=kresponse,predictors=kpreds)
condvis(train_df, list(gam = gam.model, rf = rf.model, kerasmodel = model), sectionvars = c("LSTAT", "RM"),predictArgs = list(NULL, NULL, kArgs) )
Ticking Show 3d surface
shows the 3d-surface of the fit and you can use the Rotate
slider to rotate them around the z-axis.
Random forest gives a blockier fit, compared to the smooth gams and the neural net. The RF fit is more flexible in the areas where there is more data points.